2d steady state groundwater flow using the analytical element method


This package was created to evaluate the hydraulic relationships among wells, in order to estimate the effect of a group of wells on drawdown at these wells or other wells. It it based on method of images from the analytical element modeling approach, in which the 2-dimensional characteristics of aquifers are reproduced by strategically placing wells within the domain.

This package models simple aquifer and well configurations. The boundaries of the aquifer can be specified as no flow or constant head boundaries, and the corners of the aquifer must be right angles. For fully bounded aquifers, this means that the aquifer must be a rectangle. The constant head boundaries take the head of the undisturbed aquifer, h0.


You can install directly from github using devtools:



More information for anem can be found on github.io, including a vignette and function documentation.

Shiny app

The basic functionality of the package is also implemented in a Shiny application: https://gopalpenny.shinyapps.io/anem-app/