Plot behavior on boundaries with and without well images

plot_bounds_behavior(wells, aquifer, length.out = 100)



wells object with each row containing rate Q [m^3/s], diam [m], radius of influence R [m], & coordinates x [m], y [m]


Afuifer object containing aquifer_type, h0, Ksat, bounds, z0 (for confined case only)


The number of points to evaluate on each boundary


Two ggplot objects that show behavior on the boundaries, one for head and one for flow


aquifer <- aquifer_confined_example wells <- generate_image_wells(define_wells(wells_example), aquifer) gg_list <- plot_bounds_behavior(wells,aquifer,length.out=20) library(ggplot2) p_domain <- ggplot() + geom_point(data=wells,aes(x,y,fill=Q),color="black",size=2,shape=21) + scale_fill_gradient2(low="blue",high="red",mid="gray") + geom_segment(data=aquifer$bounds,aes(x1,y1,xend=x2,yend=y2,linetype=bound_type)) + coord_equal() gridExtra::grid.arrange(p_domain,gg_list$p_h,gg_list$p_f,nrow=1)
#> # A tibble: 4 x 5 #> bound `Mean flow, imag… `Mean flow, no im… `Mean head, imag… `Mean head, no i… #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 1 CH 0.0000762 0.0000254 100 89.4 #> 2 2 NF 0 0.0000260 87.9 90.4 #> 3 3 NF 0 0.0000185 84.1 94.4 #> 4 4 NF 0 0.0000234 80.7 90.5
#> # A tibble: 160 x 15 #> x y bID dist dist_rel x_unit_norm y_unit_norm head flow_x #> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 0 1000 1 0 0 1 0 87.5 3.86e-5 #> 2 0 947. 1 52.6 0.0526 1 0 86.5 4.54e-5 #> 3 0 895. 1 105. 0.105 1 0 86.2 4.22e-5 #> 4 0 842. 1 158. 0.158 1 0 86.4 3.63e-5 #> 5 0 789. 1 211. 0.211 1 0 86.8 3.03e-5 #> 6 0 737. 1 263. 0.263 1 0 87.3 2.59e-5 #> 7 0 684. 1 316. 0.316 1 0 87.7 2.32e-5 #> 8 0 632. 1 368. 0.368 1 0 88.1 2.36e-5 #> 9 0 579. 1 421. 0.421 1 0 88.5 2.30e-5 #> 10 0 526. 1 474. 0.474 1 0 88.8 2.26e-5 #> # … with 150 more rows, and 6 more variables: flow_y <dbl>, flow_normal <dbl>, #> # flow_mag <dbl>, bound_type <chr>, im <fct>, BT <chr>