The goal of nitratesgame is to provide a simple framework for analyzing a game theoretic model of community nitrate contamination. It offers two main tools for analysis:

  1. A tool for generating payout structures and solutions for 2x2 games
  2. A groundwater model for generating simple estimates of the probability of contamination for a well that sits within a grid of households in a neighborhood.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

More information

The website for nitratesgame can be found on

2x2 games (Example)

This is a basic example which shows you how to visualize a 2x2 game:


# tA: player type A
# tB: player type B
# Cs: cost of upgrading septic system
# Cd: cost of contamination
payouts <- get_2x2_payouts(tA = 1, tB = 1, Cs = 2, Cd = 3)
get_2x2_ggplot(payouts, TRUE)

Groundwater model

See the vignettes for background and details about using the groundwater model.