Import rds output from anem-app

import_app_rds(path, params = NULL, gen_well_images = TRUE)



Path to rds file downloaded from web


List objected loaded from the rds files


Boolean value. If TRUE, output wells includes well images.


Returns a list containing aquifer, wells, and particles that were input into the web application.


The rds files downloaded from the web application contain the raw data and map click information needed for the app. This function converts those raw values to UTM coordinates for processing with the R package.

Either path or params should be supplied to the function. If both are specified, only path will be used.


# using built in package data app <- import_app_rds(params=anem_app_scenario)
#> Boundaries imported.
#> Recharge imported.
#> Aquifer properties imported.
#> Wells imported.
#> No particles imported.
# using RDS file file <- tempfile("anem_app_scenario.rds") saveRDS(anem_app_scenario,file) app <- import_app_rds(file)
#> Boundaries imported.
#> Recharge imported.
#> Aquifer properties imported.
#> Wells imported.
#> No particles imported.
#' # view the data gridded <- get_gridded_hydrodynamics(app$wells,app$aquifer,c(80,80),c(8,8)) library(ggplot2) ggplot() + geom_raster(data=gridded$head,aes(x,y,fill=head_m)) + geom_segment(data=gridded$flow,aes(x,y,xend=x2,yend=y2), arrow = arrow(ends="last",type="closed",length=unit(1,"mm")),color="black") + geom_segment(data=app$aquifer$bounds,aes(x1,y1,xend=x2,yend=y2,linetype=bound_type)) + coord_equal()